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December 2018 Newsletter
Technicolour Christmas Show and Market
5 more sleeps till our Technicolour Christmas Show and Markets. Bring your family and friends for a day of Christmas fun! There will be great Food, entertaining Christmas Shows not to be missed, a perfect opportunity to grab your Christmas gifts as there will be a whole range of stalls with lots of Christmas goodies. There will be lots of entertainment for your kids to enjoy and most importantly SANTA'S big arrival at the Markets! Come and enjoy the Christmas fun and remember it is FREE ENTRY!!!

This Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) project is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.
Technicolor Multicutural Festival  in Penang
The KDU Penang University College organized a Technicolour Multicultural Festival in October this year. Our Director/Volunteer Mrs. Jeannie Mok OAM was invited by the organizers and flown over to Penang, Malaysia to give a speech at the VIP Opening ceremony.  The event was a great success.
Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability, Ageing)
If you would like to start a career in Aged Care or Disability Care, this is your chance!! Enrolment is now open for our next course which is scheduled to start on 6 February 2019 and will be held at 23 Foster St, Newmarket. Apply to enrol today! Limited seats!

No Cost to eligible participants. Other conditions apply.

Contact MCC Project Coordinators at 07 3257 1868 or email to enrol in the next intake.
This Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) project is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
Enrolment is now open for our next intake for the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care. If you are thinking about a career in childcare and love to be around children all the time, then this course is for you! Our next intake commences on 24 January 2019. Seats are limited. Contact us today!
No Cost to eligible participants. Other conditions apply. 

Contact MCC Project Coordinators at 07 32571868 or email to enrol in the next intake.
This Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) project is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.
English Conversation Club
Our English Conversation Club had their last class for 2018 on Thursday November 30, 2018. Club members that attended spent their last session sharing about Christmas and exchanging small gifts with each other.

English Conversation Club is on a break for the rest of 2018 and will resume classes on Thursday February 07, 2019!

We would like to wish all our ECC Members a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy 2019!! We Look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year!
 Information Sessions

In the month of November, two information sessions were held:
  1. Basic Computer Skills  and Citizenship Test Practice
  2. Preparing for Bad Weather
The Basic Computer Skills & Citizenship Test Practice was held on November 1, 2018.This information session was split into two sessions, the first session was on  Basic Computer Skills where our participants learned to communicate via email, attaching documents and typing resumes and more. The second session was on Citizenship Test & Practice. In this session, our participants learned about checklists for the citizenship application, online practice and summary of key information to remember when applying for citizenship.
The second information session was held on November 8 about How to Prepare for severe weather. Our participants were informed on the different types of severe weather, how to be aware of severe weather and what to do before and after the severe weather has struck. We had approximately 20 participants for our sessions. 

A free information session organised by MCC's Settlement Services Programme and funded by the Department of Social Services.

Our Director/Volunteer for MCC Mrs. Jeannie Mok OAM met with the QLD Chinese Photographic Association and the Gold Coast  Photographic Society. MCC will be partnering with both photographic associations for our next event
The Technicolor Chinese New Year Night Market for our photography competition. See our Event details below.
2019 Technicolour Chinese New Year Night Market 

When: FEBRUARY 16, 2019
Time: 4PM TO 9PM

It's the year of the PIG! Bring your Friends & Family down and celebrate the Chinese New Year or “Spring Festival” 春節 which is the most important celebration in the traditional Chinese calendar.

Let’s welcome 2019 and wish for a blessed and prosperous coming year with a free entry event full of red and gold. Join us and enjoy delicious Asian cuisine, crafts, lion dance and other spectacular activities!

This Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) project is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.

Copyright © 2017 Multicultural Community Centre, All rights reserved.

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