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 November 2019 Newsletter
Our MCC Director (volunteer) Mrs. Jeannie Mok OAM was a guest of the Chinese Government in Beijing during their 70th Anniversary celebrations of the founding of the People's Republic of China. For 5 days, with other leaders from around the world, she attended concerts, receptions and a Grand Banquet at the Great Hall. Those celebrations culminated on the 1st of October 2019 in the morning and evening parades with firework displays, involving hundreds of thousands of participants at Tiananmen Square.
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care (CHC30113)
Our next Certificate III in Early Childhood  Education & Care course is scheduled to commence on the 30th of January 2020. If you are you thinking about a Career in Early Childhood Education and you love to be around children, then this course is for you! Give us a call today and find out how to enrol. Limited places available so hurry and sign up today!  

No Cost to eligible participants. (Other conditions apply). Contact MCC Project Coordinators on 
07 32571868 or email to enrol in the next intake.
This Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) project is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.
Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability & Ageing) (CHC33015)
Our next Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability & Ageing) course is scheduled to commence on the 30th January 2020. If you would like to start a career in Aged Care or Disability Care and love to provide quality care to the elderly or disabled, give us a call today! Our courses are held at 23 Foster St, Newmarket. Limited places available so hurry and sign up today! 

No Cost to eligible participants. (Other conditions apply). Contact MCC Project Coordinators at
07 3257 1868 or email to enrol.
This Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) project is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.
Come and join the thriving club that meets at MCC every Thursday from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Our club members are mostly new migrants who cherish the opportunity to learn and practice conversing in English. Please come along and join us at 23 Foster Street, Newmarket.

These fun-filled classes are led by our dedicated team of volunteers -  Evelyn Wong, Evelyn Kuan, Lisa Ho, Kim Bott, Debra Chen, Michael Chung and Daniel Murphy and coordinated by Sylvia Yap, Sylvia Tiong and Janis Maino. More volunteers and club members are welcomed. For more information, contact MCC at 07 32571868
MCC Event Work Skills Traineeship Program 
A team of 12 Trainees commenced their traineeship program on 14 October 2019. They will  be organizing two of MCC's annual events, The Technicolour Christmas Show & Markets and the Technicolour Chinese New Year Night Market! We have a very multicultural group that hails from various parts of the world: Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Russia.The team will be led by Project Coordinators Samantha Lac and Joshua Vergis. We would like to welcome the new Trainees!
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